About Us

Crafting Financial Success for Every Stage of Your Dental Journey

Our Journey into the Dental Industry

Our founder, Mark Johnson, a 30-year veteran in the investment and financial industry, was invited to present at a Lunch and Learn for a group of Ortho residents nearly a decade ago. He was blown away at the amount of student loan debt they had accumulated throughout dental school and residency. He wanted to help them implement the optimal repayment strategies, alongside the other financial planning items that would be important to their financial success. And thus, StudentLoansRx was born. Having now worked with dental professionals as they transitioned into their careers, started families, and purchased or started their practices, DentalWealthRx is the one-stop shop for dental professionals who value working with experienced financial professionals who understand the work, and life challenges dental professionals face.

Our Journey into the Dental

Our Team

Our team of professionals is here to serve you and your family as if you were family. As an independent fiduciary, registered investment advisor and independent insurance agent, your needs come first.

Mark D. Johnson

Founder and Wealth Advisor

Chris J. Burke

Wealth Advisor

Aaron Ward

Wealth Advisor

Blake Clynes

Registered Financial Planning Associate

Amy Henley

Client Services Associate

Mia Johnson

Engagement + Insurance Operations Associate

Ava Burke

Insurance Specialist

Why wouldn't you explore the benefits of working with a team

Why wouldn't you explore the benefits of working with a team focused on dental professionals?

Our unique journey in the dental space and decades of wealth advisory experience has equipped us to serve our clients across the span of their entire career, providing unbiased and objective advice and services. Let’s discuss how we can make a significant impact on your financial life.

People Who Love Our Place

A descriptive paragraph that tells clients how good you are and proves that you are the best choice that they’ve made.